Oct 4, 2023 | posted by Conner Williams

For Cooperative month this October, let's look at how local co-ops like DirectLink help improve the communities they serve. Rural co-ops work to provide fast, reliable, and secure internet services to connect residents, businesses, schools, and healthcare professionals. They also buy local which empowers the city’s economy, education, and many industries.
Economic Development
Dependable, quality high-speed Internet, WiFi, and Voice services attract new businesses and developments to the area and retains existing companies.
Reliable broadband access enables remote learning and enhances innovative classroom teaching methods.
Healthcare and Telemedicine
More and more providers offer virtual appointments for patient care. This option is especially beneficial for rural communities with limited healthcare facilities and for those without access to reliable transportation.
Farming is the backbone for many rural communities. The use of modern internet-reliant technologies like temperature and moisture sensors or automatic irrigation systems increase efficiencies and profitability.
DirectLink's Money Goes To:
- Purchase supplies and equipment from local vendors
- Pay local taxes
- Reinvest in local infrastructure
- Hire local contractors and vendors
- Returns to the community may help support your household
- Employees purchase local goods and services, further supporting local business and economy
- Create local jobs and pay local employees who live, work, and play here too
- Upgrade services which improves local business and economic development
- Support local, cultural, sporting, health, educational, and community organizations through sponsorships, donations, and volunteerism
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