A Company You Can Trust
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When you sign up for communication services from DirectLink, you become a member of a long-standing cooperative association with more than 120 years of serving our local communities with superb member service and technical expertise. Membership establishes your ownership and guarantees access to quality services that support your lifestyle. You earn dividends based on the services you subscribe to and the overall financial success of the cooperative.
Our members have told us they would like to know more about what sets DirectLink apart from the rest – what differentiates us. It is not easy for us to brag about ourselves. We would much rather continue contributing throughout the community without a lot of fanfare but we also want our members to know that we listen to them. So, here goes.
We are owned by you.
More than 1.2 million Americans receive their local telephone, and now Internet service from a company like DirectLink. As a member-based cooperative, it is our duty to be good stewards of the trust you’ve placed in us by providing the most cost-effective, state-of-the-art, and quality services available.
We are focused on you.
With an average 92% positive customer satisfaction rates from third party surveys, there is most certainly no comparison to other communications providers when it comes to our customer service and treating members with the care, responsiveness, and the dedication you deserve.

We have connected Canby and the surrounding areas to the world since 1904; and Mt. Angel and the surrounding areas to the world since 1910. For other providers, Canby and Mt. Angel are two of many towns on a service map. With us, you are our sole focus and we are very concerned with your entire member experience from the first call to your daily connection.
In addition to quality products, we also conduct fun contests like BINGO games and randomly select one member from both Canby and Mt. Angel each month to receive a seasonal gift card to a local merchant.
We are dedicated to providing you with the best.
DirectLink became one of the first Gigabit communities in Oregon as of April 2014 – months before Google Fiber even began negotiations with Portland. In fact, the company was selected to host the 2015 Fiber-to-the-Home National Gimme Fiber Day here in Canby!
Our certified fiber-to-the-premise product is the highest standard in the country, and we are the only provider in Canby to offer this connection quality. While we have not yet completed 100% fiber penetration to the nearly 100-square miles we serve, we will reach that goal very soon. So if you are not yet served by our fiber product, you will be soon. We invite you to visit www.directlink.coop/fiber for updates on our fiber expansion plans.
We give back to you.
The company offers frequent complimentary virtual and in-person technology workshops for anyone who would like to attend. Past topics have included iPhone and Android phone basics, Facebook, best online security practices and how to spring clean your computer.
We live here too.
Our employees work together to bring superior products and customer service to you and our 8,000 other members located within the nearly 100-square mile service area. Many also live or volunteer in Canby or Mt. Angel and have a significant stake in the success of our town. You may see us in the grocery store, eating at one of the many great restaurants in our communities, or buying services at other local businesses.
"Every day, DirectLink strives to demonstrate that small independent telephone companies work together to build a better world. We provide premier internet and voice services and work to improve the quality of life in our community through generous donations for local non-profits and employee volunteerism.” said the DirectLink President, Paul Hauer. “I hope our members and those in our community at large join us in celebrating a business model that puts people first."
We provide support for your children, your organizations, and local non-profits.
DirectLink and our employees feel it’s important to give back to the people and community. We felt so strongly about this, that contributing to educational and 501(c)3 organizations in Canby and Mt. Angel is a companywide commitment. We take pride in bringing people, business and organizations together; after all, it is what being part of a community is all about.

We regard partnerships with nonprofit organizations and local education as an important investment in the future of our community and the vitality of our company.
Our employees volunteer at various local nonprofits. Our community page, www.canby.com, and our social media feeds on Facebook and Twitter also help to promote events, organizations and causes in the Canby and Mt. Angel communities. We've listed some of the organizations that have been bolstered by contributions, time, or materials from DirectLink or our employees recently in the link below.

View our list of community contributions here.