What is Oregon 811?
We are responsible for having a call center that any company or person doing any type of digging must contact to process a locate request to have the underground lines marked out prior to excavation.
Why Should I Call Oregon 811?
There are over 20 million miles of underground facilities in the U.S. alone. Damaging an underground facility is dangerous for you and for the people around you. A broken pipe or cable may cause outages, expensive repairs, and legal problems. A safe digging project must always start by contacting Oregon 811, either by phone or online.
When Should I Call Oregon 811?
Even small, shallow jobs are a risk if you don't know where utilities are buried, Call Oregon 811 any time you dig, for any type of project.
- Landscaping
- Planting
- Root Removal
- Irrigation
- Fencing
- Walkway
- Fountain
- Basketball Hoop
- Retaining Wall
- Swing Set
- Yard Signs
- Patio
- Mailbox
- Driveway
How Far in Advance Do I Contact Oregon 811?
At least 2 full business days and not more than 10 business days prior to excavation, contact the Oregon 811 call center by dialing 811, calling 1-800-332-2344, or by going online to www.digsafelyoregon.com.
Who Marks the Lines?
Utility companies (NOT Oregon 811) mark their own lines. Oregon 811 is the communication network that notifies these companies to respond to a locate request. Some utility members use contract locating companies to mark their lines. Member companies are not responsible to mark privately owned facilities.

Photo of construction boring equipment that severed and then twisted a cable containing 1,200 copper wires multiple times around the drill shaft, causing an internet outage.
What Information Do I Need?
When you call, you will be asked a series of questions about your worksite. Being prepared greatly speeds up the process! Please have this information ready:
*indicates required information
- Your name, phone number, company name (if applicable), and mailing address.*
- The name and phone number of an alternate contact person, in case the utilites have questions and cannot reach you.
- What type of work is being done.*
- Who the work is being done for.*
- The county and city where the work is taking place.*
- The nearest cross street.
- The distance and direction of the worksite and intersection (if no address is provided, cross street, distance, and direction are required.)
- Marking instructions (specific instructions as to where the work is taking place).*
- Township, range, section, and quarter section or gps coordinates of the worksite.
Call 1-800-332-2344 or go to