Apr 23, 2020 | posted by Jason Nugent
We could all use a little cheer during these trying times. That’s why DirectLink continues to work to help our local communities.
DirectLink purchases tulips from the Mt. Angel Lions Club every year to help fund two $1,000 scholarships for John F. Kennedy High School seniors looking to continue their education. Since 1981, the scholarship program has awarded more than $65,000 to 78 local students.

The beautiful tulips from Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm just outside Woodburn are usually given to DirectLink employees, but since most of DirectLink’s workforce is out of the office due to the COVID-19 situation, we decided to donate them to three local organizations on the front line that serve our community every day.
We reached out to several organizations in Canby and Mt. Angel and received word back from the Canby Adult Center, Rackleff Place, and Country Side Living that the flowers would be of most use to them.

These organizations all received several tulip bouquets, which they generously shared with their residents, employees, and neighbors. Country Side Living used the flowers in an activity with residents that had them arrange the tulips into vase displays. The Canby Adult Center divided their bouquets among their programs, including the Meals on Wheels service, where they delivered flowers to local residents and gave some to drivers and kitchen volunteers. Rackleff Place donated a bouquet to a local family as well.
We’re so grateful to be part of local communities that pay it forward by spreading cheer and supporting each other during this challenging time.
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