May 16, 2024 | posted by Conner Williams

Tech Term of the Month: May 2024

Have you ever received an email with file type .exe attached to it and wondered what is was? Or maybe you've downloaded an app or program to your computer that ran a .exe file to initiate the download and setup?

Like a video (.mp4) or Word document (.doc), .exe is a naming extension that denotes a file's type. .exe files are Executable Files that contain a sequence of instructions that can run immediately when the user clicks on the file icon to open it. Some Executable Files can run without requiring another program to already be installed. These types of files are considered to be high security risks because they could contain various kinds of malicious code designed to harm the user's computer or steal personal information.

If you ever receive an email that tells you to open an attachment, and that attachment is a .exe file, it is likely a scam. Always verify file types and make sure you only download files from trusted sources.

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