Feb 25, 2025 | posted by Conner Williams

Save the Date for the 2025 Canby Area Shred-It Day

Do you have a stack of old documents that you need shredded? Look no further than the Canby Area Shred-It Day! This helpful annual event provides an opportunity to securely dispose of documents and forms with personally identifying information. You can also recycle old eyeglasses, electronics, hearing aids, and prescription drugs.

Learn more on the Canby Chamber of Commerce website here.

PLEASE NOTE: Shred-It Day has historically been on a Thursday – it is on a Tuesday this year to coincide with Earth Day.

When: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 from 12-4PM
Where: Clackamas County Fairgrounds Red Parking Lot
Cost: Suggested donation of $5 per shred box with a maximum of 4 boxes.

Thank you to the following local organizations for making this event happen: Canby Area Chamber of Commerce; Kahut Waste Services; Canby Police Department; Canby Fire District; and NW Employment Solutions.

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Canby: 503.266.8111
Mt. Angel: 503.845.2291