Jan 14, 2021 | posted by Conner Williams

Santa leave some new devices under the tree this year? Maybe you added a
laptop, smart speaker, home security camera, or streaming device like Amazon
Fire TV Stick or Apple TV to your list of Internet-connected devices. Think of
all the new games, shows, and video calls!
But before you’ve got all those new devices connected and working to their full
potential, it’s a good idea to make sure your home network can accommodate all
that extra Internet activity. Too many active devices on one network could
potentially cause lag when playing multiplayer games, buffering when streaming
shows and movies on EZVideo, and slow loading times when browsing the web.
Related: 3 Tips to
Improve Your Home WiFi
If you’ve experienced any of these troubles, consider DirectLink’s WiFi Home Networking. This
commercial-grade service ensures that your WiFi network is strong and reliable
throughout the entire home, and that your Internet speed is right for your
needs. We provide the equipment and manage the connection so you don’t have to.
And if any issues arise, our local support team is ready to chat and find a
Give us a call today to get started with WiFi Home Networking!
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