Jul 27, 2022 | posted by Conner Williams

All DirectLink members who pay their bill on time online, via mail, or in-person are automatically entered into a random giveaway for a $50 gift card to a local establishment. We pick a random winner from our Canby and Mt. Angel service areas each month.
Easily pay your bill on time with AutoPay in your SmartHub account. Visit DirectLink.SmartHub.coop or download the free SmartHub mobile app to create a login and begin virtually managing your account.
Both Canby and Mt. Angel June winners - Dong Lam (Canby) and Keith Manning (Mt. Angel) - each won gift cards to TMK Creamery just outside of Canby. TMK Creamery offers a variety of cheese products from locally-raised dairy cows. Plus, visitors can tour the facility and even milk the ‘Cowlebrities.’ They are open from 4-7PM on Fridays and from 10AM-3PM on Saturdays and Sundays. Visit www.TMKCreamery.com for more information.
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