Jul 20, 2023 | posted by Conner Williams

All DirectLink members who pay their bill on time online, via mail, or in-person are automatically entered into a random giveaway for a $50 gift card to a variety of establishments. We pick a random winner from our Canby and Mt. Angel service areas each month.
Easily pay your bill on time with AutoPay in your SmartHub account. Visit DirectLink.SmartHub.coop or download the free SmartHub mobile app to create a login and begin virtually managing your account.
June Canby Winner: Travis & Katie McRobbie won a gift card to Wayward Sandwiches, a local sandwich shop in downtown Canby that creates house-built scratch food from locally sourced ingredients. Wayward Sandwiches also features a variety of spirits, wine, and beer, and they’re always working on something new. You can find them in the Dahlia Building downtown at 117 NW 2nd Avenue, open 11AM to 3PM on Mondays, 11AM to 9PM Tuesday through Friday, 9AM to 9PM on Saturdays, and 9AM to 3PM on Sundays.
Learn more at WaywardSandwiches.com
June Mt. Angel Winner: Patricia Beyer won a gift card to Benedictine Brewery, the Mt. Angel-based brewery that is one of only a few in the country owned and operated by monks. The brewery creates their beers in the spirit of a centuries-old monastic tradition, using local hops grown at the Mt. Angel Abbey and water from the monks’ well. Their taproom is located at 400 Humpert Lane and is open from 2 to 7PM Wednesdays & Thursdays, from 1 to 8PM Fridays & Saturdays, and from 12 to 6PM on Sundays.
Visit BenedictineBrewery.com to learn more.
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