Oct 24, 2024 | posted by Conner Williams

September Canby winner: Jill Thompson won a gift card to Ebner's Custom Meats, the local butcher shop, meat market, and deli serving the community in downtown Canby. Ebner's is located at 272 N Grant Street and is open from 9AM to 6PM Tuesday through Friday and until 5PM on Saturdays.
Visit www.Facebook.com/EbnersCustomMeats for more information.
September Mt. Angel winner: Cindy Parent earned a gift card to Mt. Angel Meat Company, the longtime community butcher and meat supplier serving Mt. Angel since 1908. They're located at 11771 Bull Run Road just north of town and are open from 8AM to 4PM Monday through Friday and from 6AM to 2PM on Saturdays.
Learn more at www.MtAngelMeat.com.
All DirectLink members who pay their bill on time online, via mail, or in-person are automatically entered into a random giveaway for a $50 gift card to a variety of establishments. We pick a random winner from our Canby and Mt. Angel service areas each month.
Easily pay your bill on time with AutoPay in your SmartHub account. Visit DirectLink.SmartHub.coop or download the free SmartHub mobile app to create a login and begin virtually managing your account.
Download the SmartHub app on the Apple App Store here
Download the SmartHub app on the Google Play Store here
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