Oct 18, 2021 | posted by Conner Williams

Is your computer's desktop full of cluttered shortcuts that are difficult to navigate? Does the above image of a scattered desktop make you as uncomfortable as us? Today is a great day to organize your virtual life as it's National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day!
To celebrate, consider deleting old files, programs, and shortcuts that you don't use or need anymore as they can impact your computer's performance. It's also a good idea to think about keeping your files in a cloud storage service, like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, DropBox, and Amazon Drive, to name a few. When you store files in a cloud account, you'll be able to access them when connected to the Internet on a variety of devices, and they'll automatically save to your account so you'll never lose any work. For more information on cloud services, check out this article from the DirectLink news feed archives: "What is the Cloud and Why Do I Need It?"
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